IntelliTrust Lab

Updates and News

GSU Computer Science 25th Anniversary Celebration

Attend the banquet celebration to facilitate connections with GSU CS's Alumni! (September 27, 2024)

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Geek Week in KSU

Join KSU's Research Communities as we kick off the fall semester with four networking events aimed at facilitating interdisciplinary connections! (August 19 -23, 2024)

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AAPM in Stanford

I recently learned about the “Asian American Pioneer Medal Symposium and Ceremony” to be held at Stanford University. The Inaugural Asian American Pioneer Medal Symposium and Ceremony honored the transformative contributions of Asian American pioneers and bring together some of the most distinguished minds in the fields of energy, artificial intelligence, life sciences, and leadership. Nobel Prize laureates Steven Chu and Randy Schekman, and Turing Award laureate Raj Reddy delivered keynote speeches. Former Stanford president and Turing Award laureate John Hennessy and distinguished industry leader Eric Yuan also engaged in fireside chats, providing a unique platform for intellectual exchange and inspiration. The winners of the “Youth Ambassador for Science” competition were recognized at the Symposium. (July 27, 2024)